At Life Skill Academy, we teach that Bravery can come in many forms.
We identify seven subsets of it: 

1. Physical Courage is the embodiment of bravery, no matter how large or small an act may be. It’s what gives us the strength to face any challenge that comes our way and act! Physically courageous people have often demonstrated incredible bravery in the face of overwhelming odds. From taking a stand for what is right, to charging into danger to protect someone else – their acts are nothing short of heroic!

2. Emotional Bravery is the ability to tackle personal challenges and remain positive despite difficulties.

3. Intellectual Bravery is for defending beliefs even if the majority disagrees – all requiring strength, confidence, resilience and wisdom!

4. Moral Courageousness is doing what’s right even if it goes against popular opinion or puts you at risk – hence standing up for your beliefs despite potential consequences. 

5. Creative Courage allows us to explore new ideas with no fear of judgement while expressing our innermost thoughts!

6. Social Bravery. People who possess social courage aren’t afraid to be themselves and express their ideas freely in any kind of setting, despite feeling anxious or concerned about the opinions of those around them. Life Skill Kids learn to overcome fears and develop the confidence to interact freely with those around them.

And last but NOT Least…

7. Black Belt Courage!

Life Skill Coaches teach students that there exists a special type of courage that is kind of a Super Power. We call it “Black Belt Courage”. It’s a unique combination of the first six forms of bravery, and with it kids grow to be kind but firm – NOT Vulnerable. 

This can allow them to soar beyond anything they’ve ever imagined possible. 

Children that develop “Black Belt Courage” become kinder and more compassionate, but not easily swayed by the words or opinions of others. They can begin to strive to understand other people’s perspectives, while possessing the fortitude to stand up for themselves in the face of peer pressure or criticism. This confidence allows them to soar beyond anything they’ve ever imagined possible.  

Sending your kids out into the world doesn’t have to be a scary experience. With Black Belt Courage, they can approach social interactions with an air of confidence and positivity that sets them up for success in building relationships without fear or rejection. Life skills Kids develop better Social Skills, as they comfortably acquire new meaningful relationships without fear of negative judgment or rejection.

Although life can be a challenge, Life Skill Kids approach each day with a spirit of confidence and positivity, allowing them an unfair advantage! They are fully prepared to to make the most out of any situation that arises. 

Empowering your child in this way sets them up for success now and years down the road!