I was recently reading an article that talked about how to overcome our fears. It was a great article, but it got me thinking about something else. What if you didn’t fear fear? How would you live your life? I’m sure you can think of a time when fear held you back from doing something. Maybe you were scared to speak in front of a group or to ask someone out on a date. Fear is that little voice in our head that tells us we can’t do something, and it often stops us from reaching our potential. In this blog post, I want to talk about why fear is such a powerful force and how we can overcome it.
In our day-to-day lives, we all experience fear in different ways. It can be paralyzing and debilitating, or it can be motivating and empowering.
But one thing is for sure: Nobody Likes Fear.
It’s something that affects us in many ways.
Everyone has experienced the sensations of fear-filled butterflies in their stomachs as well as shallow breathing. Unchecked, it can cause feelings of anxiety or panic when it catches up with us unexpectedly like at an event for example where there could be potential something unexpected around any corner!
The fear of the unknown can be overpowering, and when we fixate on it we waste time. We may end up spending so much time thinking about what might go wrong, and in turn lose focus from achieving our goals or completing tasks successfully without fear!

Tony Blauer says, “Fear generates doubt – doubt causes hesitation, and hesitation leads to procrastination.”  This can become a vicious cycle of avoidance. We keep repeating the same experience (doubt, hesitation, fixation, procrastination) whenever something frightens us.

When we’re faced with something uncertain in our lives, we can end up recycling through these same feelings whenever there’s an opportunity for action or hesitation.
Many of us become unable or unwilling to take action towards solving whatever challenge arises. It’s not the danger that stops us. It’s the fear of danger that stops us.
To conclude, I’d like to share a personal story. Over the past years, I lost my family to illness. This hurt and scared me because my family was all that I had in life. It made me feel lonely, sad, angry and afraid. This is why now when my students tell me they are afraid about something or have no one left in their lives who cares for them I tell them:

“If you didn’t Fear Fear. What would you do?”

That is what you should do.

So, what would you do?
If you want to discuss more on how doing so can change your life contact me at: [email protected]

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