Most people say that “Life Is Risky”. You might be surprised to learn that playing it safe can actually be risky. In fact, research shows that people who take risks are more successful than those who don’t. So if you want to achieve your goals, you need to start taking some risks. Don’t worry, I’m not talking about doing anything crazy or life threatening. Just start with small steps with short terms to accomplish. Then, work your way up. When we push yourselves to start taking action, just a little bit outside of our comfort zone, we’ll be surprised at what you’re capable of achieving.

Mr. Otis was the inventor of the safety elevator and at the 1853 world’s fair in New York City, he stood on his elevator platform suspended by a single rope. Then… he had an axman cut the rope! The crowd let out a collective gasp as they watched the elevator fall. And stop! It fell only a few feet just one foot!  Elisha Otis, proclaimed:  “All safe! Gather ’round ladies and gentlemen! All safe!”         I know cutting whatever “rope” that is holding us up, does NOT seem safe. But… what IS NOT safe? Playing it safe! In fact, the greatest risk is taking no risks.        If we want to imagine the future, we’ve got to cut the rope. It’s scary, especially if you’re afraid of heights! But anything less is main­taining the status quo.  While cutting ropes, we will experience a few falls, a few fails. That’s for certain. But cutting the rope is the way we cut the chains that are holding us back from achieving our Dreams!

Whatever you don’t do today, you are less likely to do tomorrow! You don’t feel like dieting today? You’ll feel less like dieting tomorrow. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today!

  C. N. Parkinson. told us: “Work Expands So As To Fill The Time Available For Its Completion.”  Parkinson’s Law dictates that the amount of time you spend on a task depends largely upon how much time is given to complete it. So, the time it takes to reach our goal expands or contracts based on the deadlines we set. If we give it two days, it’ll take two days. If we give it two weeks, it’ll take us two weeks. If we plan on it taking two months, it’ll take two months. The more urgent something feels, the quicker w’ell get it done! And the less valuable a task’s completion seems in comparison with other tasks, the more likely we’ll never get it done.

We all have a list. If you’ve got something you need to take action on? Today is the day! If you wait until you’re ready, you’ll be waiting for the rest of your life!

Playing it safe is risky. It’s time to cut the rope!