The human body is an amazing machine, with an astonishing ability to heal itself. Our healing energy is amazing. Although the science on our amazing healing powers is now “Just In”, the study of our energy has existed in China for over 4000 years, and they called it Qi, The Medicine Within!.
The method to turn on our inner healing energy is called Qigong. Qigong can be a simple, yet powerful method that can be done anywhere, anytime. The gentle movements coupled with abdominal breathing, are designed to help relax our bodies and clear out that pesky mental clutter.
Here’s some basics;
1. Just start off by standing straight with eyes closed while hands just below your belly button.
2. Now, slowly inhale through your nose. Feel each breath travel down as your lower abdomen expands. As you exhale just feel your belly return to the natural position.
Slowly, count each breath. Breathe in… Breathe out.
Totally relax… return to your Calm, Natural State.
3. When you decide to finish your session, slowly open your eyes, rub your two palms together and gentle massage your face, head and neck.
This simple Qigong breathing exercise has proven effective for many people for centuries, who’ve suffered from anxiety and/or depression!
Focusing on our breathing can also have an effect on our energy levels! Unfortunately, many of us can get so caught up in the day-to-day hustle that sometimes we don’t make time for ourselves in order for our healing process can run smoothly!
Research suggests practicing daily breathing meditation can change our brain’s pathways for dealing with stress which makes us resilient in difficult situations.
Plus Qigong doesn’t take long at all… 10-20 minutes per day can make all the difference in the world. Just stop, listen to your breath and feel your energy.
The key to living a happy life may not just be what we do. It may also be in the space between our actions… the space between each thought. When we clear our mind and become present, thinking subsides and awareness arises.
You deserve this time to just feel your breath.
Feel Your Qi.
The Medicine Within!