Bruce Lee was an incredible martial athlete and a visionary. He boldly experimented on himself to figure out how we can maximize our potential and it all starts with flexibility! That’s why he outlined The 5 Essential Points of Flexibility for The Martial Athlete! This simple guide can help us improve our performance, reduce injuries, and make training much more enjoyable.

1. Stretching improves your health and fitness
2. Stretching reduces the risk of injuries
3. Stretching provides an excellent warm-up and cool-down
4. Stretching enhances athletic performance
5. When stretching properly, it is enjoyable

Take your time to relax into each posture and soak up the stretch.
About 30 seconds is perfect. When discomfort appears, ease off slightly and hold only until it decreases. Feel the full benefits by hold that sweet spot for another 30 seconds before moving onto the next one.

Stretching is an important part of any martial artist’s toolkit. Bruce Lee recognized the importance of flexibility and made it a priority in his own training. While he didn’t spend hours stretching every day, he did make sure to stretch throughout the day, on breaks and before and after training sessions. Stretching helped him recover more quickly and experience less soreness.

Maybe you’re like me and the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is stretch. It just feels good to get all the kinks out and start your day off on a limber note. But did you know that there is a science behind why stretching makes us feel so good? When we stretch, our muscles produce chemicals called endorphins which interact with receptors in our brain that block pain signals. In other words, stretching provides natural pain relief. And who couldn’t use a little more of that? Of course, everybody stretches differently – what works for one person may not work for another – so it’s important to find what works best for you. Once you find your “stretch zone,” as I like to call it, stick with it and reap the benefits of a healthy body and mind.

If you’re looking to improve your flexibility, come stretch out with our group at Life Skill Martial Arts Academy.

We would love to have you!