The number one reason parents bring their children to LIFE SKILL Academy of Millbury is confidence. They’ll often say things like, “My shy kid needs help getting out into the world and talking about what’s going on in his/her life so they come out of their shell.”

Building self-esteem can seem overwhelming for kids who are just starting off, but there has never been an easier AND more important time than now to help children develop the Best Self Esteem possible. How?


One of the most common phrases parents use to describe their children is “shy,” but it’s important not only recognize that this word choice can create problems in future relationships-it also hurts them. Every time we say “Oh he/she just needs some more confidence.” When you call your kid shy, it’s like putting a label on them that says “shy.” It is important for parents and kids to understand how their personality traits develop over time so this doesn’t happen in the future.

Let’s look briefly at each of these three ideas:

The first step to overcoming shyness is discerning what causes it. There are many reasons why kids might be anxious, such as feeling self-conscious about talking or meeting new people; this can lead them being hesitant in those situations but if their mood improves once they get more comfortable – then that’s all there needs to do!

to warm up to others, this is natural.

We live in a society where being outgoing and social is seen as something positive. We also place judgment on those who are shy, reserved or hesitant which makes them even more self-conscious about their personality trait than other people might be if they were just naturally introverted like most of us adults tend to be!

The first step is to let your child know that it’s OKAY not be 100% confident in new situations. No one expects themself to feel completely at ease with everything right away, especially since we all have our moments of shyness from time-to-time! But if you can help build up their self esteem by telling him or her how much beauty lies within each person no matter what – then maybe some day soon they’ll find themselves opening up more often.

Instead, let them know they can take as much time as they need, and that you are going to be there to help them. When a child knows he has a secure foundation with their parents, it acts as an emotional safety net, allowing them to feel safe when trying out new relationships.


We all do it, whether we’re aware of it or not- meeting new people can be scary. But giving your kids simple tools will help them feel more at ease when they interact with others and make friends in school!

For example:

Practice what to say when you meet someone new. Pretend you are a child on the playground, and practice responding to objections that your child might fear (Such as… “I don’t want to share my toy”).

As a parent, you want to help your child succeed. You know that they will be ready for school in no time and able make friends easily when the big day finally comes around! But as any good teacher knows— success isn’t always instantaneous or effortless; sometimes children need some extra guidance along their journey of socialization so it doesn’t overwhelm them too much before moving on from home life completely onto an institution where others are waiting eagerly with open arms (and legs).

Try these three tips for a week or two, then reassess. Did your child meet the goals you set for their social success? If so, GREAT! If not, that’s ok. Remember that child development takes years.

Thank them for their effort. Let them know that you understand it isn’t easy, but that you appreciate them giving it a shot.

Then, start over the next week!


This all seems simple, but it isn’t always easy. If you need help with growing your child’s confidence, then our age-specific, developmentally appropriate, martial arts themed LIFE SKILL child development classes might be just the thing.

You can book your child’s free 1-on-1 placement evaluation by clicking the button below.

Your child will be around lots of other children, and they’ll all be working together to accomplish powerful goals.

LIFE SKILL classes could be a really powerful step to opening your child up and teaching them powerful Life Skills in a fun way!