Adult eagles have a reputation for being incredibly strong and fearless, but, did you know that many of them love flying in the middle of a thunderstorm! While some people might think this is a crazy idea, there are actually several reasons why eagles enjoy taking on these challenging conditions. Keep reading to find out more about why eagles love storms and see some photos of these amazing creatures in action.

Once eagles find the perfect storm, they use its strong winds to lift themselves higher and higher above clouds. While other birds hide from this great force of nature in the branches of trees. But, not the eagle!

Eagles have an amazing talent for taking advantage of storms. As soon as the wind starts to howl, eagles will fly up into it and use its strong gusts to their advantage by lifting themselves higher than any other bird could hope even reach on this side with all our power struggles below!

Using the storm’s strong winds to lift themselves higher and higher, gives them an opportunity to glide above the clouds and rest their wings. In the meantime, all the other birds are still hiding in their nests below, never witnessing the view high above the lofty snowy peaks against the blue of a cloudless endless sky.

At Life Skill, we teach students that obstacles are opportunities for personal growth. We love challenges! Just like an eagle, when a storm comes our way, we ride it and thrive in it.

If you’re looking for a new challenge, or are just finding it hard to stay motivated during your current tough patch, Life Skill Academy is all about helping us face our personal challenges head-on and overcome them with grit and determination. We love the thrill of an obstacle course because we know that anything worth reaching for requires  us to spread our wings to glide through these storms that can lift us higher than ever before!

Do you need some help getting through your own storm?

Let us help you to take flight in life again.

 Check out our website for more information on our programs here: